The Boardwalk
107 Boardwalk Blvd Block N1, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0081
Make a home for your business in flexible, fully furnished office space at The Boardwalk. Locate your team in the upmarket suburb of Faerie Glen, one of the best places to live and work in Pretoria. Work from a newly renovated, A-grade office building with its classic brick-fronted façade set within a tree-lined precinct. Welcome clients into the professional foyer entrance and present your ideas in fully furnished meeting rooms. Liaise with colleagues in relaxed coworking and breakout areas, then connect after work at the renowned Square Time restaurant next door.
R22,00 - R53,00每天
咨询 所示价格皆为人均低价,以为期24个月的租赁合同或可提供的低价为计算基准。