Den Bosch Central Station
Stationsplein 91 & 105, 1ste & 4de Verdieping, 5211 BM Den Bosch
Raise your profile from a prestigious location in the commercial heart of Den Bosch. Our modern workspace in Den Bosch Central Station will put your business on the map with great rail connections to every corner of the Netherlands. Host your next meeting in this bright environment flooded with natural light and impressive views of the bustling city below. After a great day, stroll over the River Dommel and unwind with colleagues at the lively bars and bistros of Binnenstad.
€ 3,00 - € 9,00每天
咨询 所示价格皆为人均低价,以为期24个月的租赁合同或可提供的低价为计算基准。