Herengracht 124-128
Herengracht 124-128, 1015 BT Amsterdam
A beautiful spot in the city centre of Amsterdam. The views and the canals are amazing. Herengracht 124-128 offers several products to make working life more enjoyable and more efficient. Meeting rooms, small to mid-size offices, workspots, cafe deli, restaurant, Spaces work essentials shop, restaurant, library, conversations rooms, phone booths and many more. When hiring an office at Herengracht 124-128 you also have unlimited access to the Social Heart of Spaces of all locations during office hours. So if you are meeting people at the Zuidas or in The Hague, you can take them to the local Spaces Business Club.
€ 4,00 - € 9,00每天
咨询 所示价格皆为人均低价,以为期24个月的租赁合同或可提供的低价为计算基准。